Tea tree oil benefits

3D Water Drop That Simulates Cooking Oil or Honey Tea tree oil or maleluca oil is taken from the leaves of the Maleluca alternifonia, a native tree of Australia.

Tea tree oil has antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic qualities, also has cosmetic proprieties. With his antiseptic proprieties tea tree oil can help you to get rid of acne.

Tea tree oil is effective against acne. In the treatment of acne,  application of 5 % of tea tree oil has shown an effect comparable to 5 % benzoil peroxide.

  • mix few drops of tea tree oil with water, apply with a cotton ball on acne affected skin and leave it.

Apply tea tree oil as a homemade acne skin remedy in the morning and before going to sleep after cleaning your face.

Also tea tree oil cleans your pores and eliminate the dirt inside your pores that cause acne and blemishes.

Tea tree oil is used to heal burns and infections. Using a cotton ball, apply on the light burns to help in the healing process.

Tea tree oil is known as an antifungal agent. Shampoo with 5 % tea tree oil has been shown effective in treating dandruff.

Drop 4-5 drops of tea tree oil into a whole bottle of shampoo to help your scalp to get rid of dandruff, do no put the oil directly onto scalp.

Natural Remedies For Skin Blemishes

blemishes  Facial blemishes are dark patches or marks on the face due to any skin condition( acne, whiteheads, blackheads, age spots) that tend to clog the pores of the skin.

Here are some natural remedies that you can use at home:

Mix aloe vera with few (2-3) Vitamin E capsules and apply the mixture on the skin face, leave it for 10 minutes, then rinse. This will remove blemishes on your face and makes your skin soft and supple.

Lemon is one of the best remedy that can be used for skin. Apply lemon juice on the blemish prone area , then wash with cold water. Also you can mix lemon juice and turmenic powder, apply on the skin face , leave it for 20 minutes then rinse.

With this combination of Vitamin C and Alpha Hidroxy  Acid (AHA), lemon juice can help you to get rid of blemishes.

Mix rose water, yogurt and powder of orange peel that have been dried. Apply the mixture on skin face, leave it few minutes then rinse. This is a good removal of blemishes.

Boil chamomile in water, add few drops of lemon juice, leave it till is cold, then wash your face, it is an efficient cure for blemishes.

Mint leaves can help you to heal blemishes. Make a paste of mint leaves and few drops of water, apply on your blemishes, leave it for 10 minutes then wash with cold water.